Celiac disease is massively under diagnosed in US, Australia & UK. Do you need gluten free too?

Gluten Free Diet Plan

The United States has one of the worst diagnosis rates of industrialized countries. Gluten Free Foods are produced individuals who are celiac or gluten intolerant. Because signs are so diverse this disease frequently goes unnoticed and undiagnosed by Physicians. However first you may have an interest in what the chances are that you may have the illness and not know it. Or why it took so long for you to be detected.

One references approximates that “1 in 133 individuals in the United States have celiac disease” It also points out a research study that was carried out to “examine the number of undiagnosed cases of celiac illness due to a lack of awareness and insufficient training amongst primary care physicians. Researchers found that when doctors checked all of their patients with symptoms associated with celiac illness the diagnostic rate boosts 32- to 43-fold” (ref 6).

“The predicted variety of individuals in the United States with celiac disease could be as high as 3 million, yet just a little portion of these cases has actually been correctly detected and treated”. (ref 6)

Another article composed in 2004 recommends that the typical time from symptoms to medical diagnosis in America was ten years. It cites variances in the number of celiacs (diagnosed and undiagnosed) in difference nations – Italy celiac disease is recommended to be as 1 in 250 people, while Ireland just 1 in 300 people. Nevertheless it is “approximated that just one in 4,700 people in America are actually identified with celiac disease. Yet according to proof investigated by the NIH report, prevalence may be as high as 1 in 105 people!”(ref 7). This would recommend that five years ago that just 2.2% of celiacs were diagnosed in America.This lower level of

medical diagnosis might be the factor that in a previous short articles on the gluten totally free pages website estimated adjusted celiac searches in America at 2.7 searches per celiac per month – much less than Australia’s worth of 4.2.

Level of Diagnosis in Australia

In Australia the celiac society states that 1% of the population has celiac disease. Although they recommend that only 20% of these individuals have actually been identified. (ref 1). The Australian Gastroenterology institute states that in Australia the diagnosis level is somewhere between one in 500 to one in 2000 people (ref 4). Taking the higher level of 20% diagnosis, this means that in Australia (population 21,550,000, Jan 2009) that 215,000 individuals are more than likely celiac however 170,000 people do not know it. Keep in mind that gluten intolerant people may increase the amount of people seeking Gluten Free services by an element of 3 or four times the Total Celiac values.

In December 2008, the top 200 search terms on Google Australia, associated to gluten free products was 470,000 searches. With 79% web usage and 65% Google share, this transforms to an estimated 911,000 searches each month. If there are only 35,000 detected celiacs (20% of total celiacs) in Australia this would suggest that they carry out 26 searches each monthly each!As the 1 in 100 statistic takes into account celiac babies, the senior and people who do not utilize the internet (however have access) the variety of celiacs in fact searching is less than those detected. So the ones that actually browse perform an even higher search than the average estimated. But 26 searches monthly (or greater) by celiacs is most likely unrealistically high. It is most likely that this number is lowered by the searches performed by gluten free services and gluten intolerant people.At the Melbourne gluten free displayed in October 2008 roughly 10,000 individuals went to over 3 days. Yet from the above estimates, only about 8,000 people in Melbourne are diagnosed celiacs. Empirically(from our stand at the program)it is most likely that household members without CD and ‘gluten intolerant’ individuals may have made up to 80%of the visitors to the program. If this is the case, then the number of identified celiac individuals online searches monthly ought to be minimized by about 80 %to represent gluten intolerant individuals and organization searches. This decreases identified celiac to 26 x 20% =5.2 searches per month.Using Google data estimates the Australian adjusted celiac searches each month at 4.2

searchers per month. When the e-demand of various countries is compared to a nation’s’GDP per person ‘a logarithmic relationship exists between demand and wealth. Greater wealth also probably being connected with higher diagnosis.In the GFP Global Matrix article, The UK was approximated to have a celiac search worth of 2.2 searches per celiac monthly, which while lower than America and Australia is still well ahead of Germany(0.3 ), France (0.8 )and Italy (0.9 ). One referral approximates that” a minimum of 1 in 100 people in the UK experiences celiac illness. However, just 12.5% of people with the illness are in fact being properly diagnosed. Recent research revealed that the typical length of time taken for somebody to be diagnosed with celiac disease from the start of their signs is 13 years. (ref 8) All of these realities recommend an enormous worldwide under-diagnosis of celiac illness. Other original posts on this site suggest that the long term signs of this illness significantly distroy the lifestyle for those who get it. Fast and accurate medical diagnosis is crucial, and if you presume that you struggle with some of the symptoms , detecting or eliminating the disease is crucial. Please see our short article on Signs and our post on Diagnosis choices if you believe you might require assistance. For similar short articles please see www.glutenfreepages.com.au Article by: Bruce Dwyer-GoLeftfield Marketing -Gluten Free Diet