Pebble dashing is a stucco method for . external walls. Pebbles 1/8 to 1/4 inch in size are used to the outside of a . wall. Pebble rushing a wall is a two male job as one will plaster the wall while . the other tosses pebbles at the wall. . The employee who throws the pebbles must throw them with sufficient force and . skill so they become lodged in the plaster.
In time your pebble dashing will begin to . chip and it is a good idea to get rid of any damaged pebble dash to avoid bad . weather condition from harming the underlying wall. You will require to get a building . expert to examine the wall before you perform any pebble dash elimination as . the pebble dashing might be concealing a wall that has been terribly built. . It is crucial you examine it is safe to get rid of prior to continuing.
Many houses in the 1930’s were pebble dashed . so that more affordable bricks could be used. In post war real estate pebble dash was over used . and gotten a bad image. Due to the lack of skilled bricklayers after World . War II pebble dashing was brought back as a method of concealing poor brickwork, especially . on council estates. Houses that were pebble dashed some years after . building and construction were not likely to have this done to cover faults however more due to the fact that . the owner believed they were being trendy. In the Sixties and Seventies . pebble dash salespersons would target neighbourhoods utilizing marketing methods . that are comparable to the techniques salesmen use today to offer double glazing . and solar panels; if you don’t buy it you will be left out.
The ease with which pebble dash elimination will
. occur depends on how well it was used in the first location. If the mortar
. joints were raked out and the wall were appropriately wetted prior to the very first render
. coat then opportunities are it will be impossible to remove. If it was done without
. care and in warm weather condition, without wetting down, then it might come off a lot
. much easier. A few of the pebble dash might have already delaminated and you can inspect
for this by tapping and listening for a hollow noise.