Fasting as a religio-spiritual practice is known the world over by modern and ancient cultures. Initially, fasting was the result of the inaccessibility of food and proper nourishment in the face of lack and hardship. It was later embraced by the religious/shamanic neighborhood for magickal and devotional functions as it was discovered to provide certain interesting outcomes emotionally, biologically, and metaphysically. The ancient grimoires, both eastern and western, are filled with routines that need fasting as a preparation for the work. .
Modern researches on fasting reveals that the practice results in health and in a regeneration of the physical body when done reasonably and not carried into extremes. Fasting keeps one’s health as it provides the needed rest to the gastrointestinal organs. .
From the magickal point of view, fasting has an occult impact on both mind and body. Shamanic fasting changes the polarity of the physique and also raises its vibrations, making it conscious the magickal frequencies invisible to the 5 senses. It specifically sensitizes the free nervous system making it a fine receptor for receiving psychic impressions that are neglected by the nerves of the central worried system. .
Psychologically, fasting induces a particular borderline state making the mind susceptible to information fed into it in the type of affirmations, mantras, and prayers, and thus reinforcing subconscious reaction to the details offered. Fasting also orients the mind to the spirit within making it conducive for inner attunements and communications to accompany the Cosmic Mind and the various intelligences composing It. The increased vibrations of the body, cleansed of all hazardous matter through fasting makes it possible for the attraction of certain kinds of spirit beings that usually would not enter close proximity to us since of the harmful affluvia that we emanate. Indonesian shamanism advises one to quick on one’s natal day (according to the Javanese calender) to build up extra power and to reinforce the relationship with one’s guardian angel and what they call the “4 spirit siblings.” .
There is no denying that fasting aids the etheric body to collect cosmic power, particularly when done in conjunction with the suitable metaphysical workouts. Without physical nourishment, the body is required to obtain the energy it needs through some other channels. When adopted as a regular practice, fasting unfolds psychic sensitivity.vAs a spiritual discipline, fasting teaches one to avoid greed in all of its ugly forms. It is an useful pointer of the injunction of the Master Jesus: “to be in this world, however not of it.” Fasting, when accompanied with contemplation and spiritual reflection, triggers advantageous changes in one’s mind. By fasting from the important things of this world one would discover oneself being nourished by the Divine Spirit, as Nature hates a vacuum. One would end up being a “god-eater” where physical nourishment ends up being unnecessary. This is, naturally, rather an advance phase. .
Typically speaking, during the duration of fasting/austerities one need to refrain from generating negative thoughts, feelings, and actions and need to be busily engaged in spiritual works. It is a time of introspection and the connecting (in) for the divinity within us. One’s ideas ought to be kept at a lofty level. If the fasting is connected to a magickal routine, the meditation or mantras of the work should be performed or recited during the quick. The objective of the abstention of food and beverage need to be verified and impressed upon the subconscious mind ere the start of the ritual itself. .
In Javanese mysticism, fasting is usually performed throughout specific months of the Javanese calender, such as the month of Sura, as these months are thought about favorable to spiritual activities. Fasting periods are between 1– 40-days. Auspicious days to commence one’s fasting from the Kejawenese perspective are Kliwon-Tuesday, Legi-Wednesday, and Pahing-Thursday. Fasts/austerities should be preceded by a holy wash/ritual cleansing, as this puts one into the appropriate frame of mind– aside from its other esoteric benefits. .
During fasting and the conducting of the austerities, one would indubitably come across different types of temptations, visions, and physical pain that would ward off one’s efforts. This is partly the result of the body essential’s demonstration versus the discipline enforced. Due to the fact that of its puerile and illogical nature, it will not accept anything that would distress its regular work. .
Fasting and austerities highlights the worst in us onto the surface area– and this is indeed a true blessing as we would be warned of all the neurosis, psychosis, and complexes prowling within the psyche that needs our attention in the art of transmutation. These dark aspects are frequently forecasted onto the consciousness in the kinds of hallucinations and impressions. This is among the alchemical phases symbolically described by the mages of old. When these kinds develop one ought to understand what they represent or analyze their symbolical nature. Knowing what they are is the initial step of getting rid of them, of which would subsequently make it easier for the empowerment of one’s mind and the raising of one’s magickal power-level. It ought to be kept in mind that despite the fact that such blocks are removed, one still has the source of the issue lying deep within in our spiritual forgetfulness and magnificent ignorance. They are like arms coming from a hidden animal which if not eliminated, new limbs would form. Nevertheless, we are digressing; this topic surpasses the scope of this present short article. .
One thing more needs to be discussed: generally, we are informed that inspirations, visions, and user-friendly impressions of worth takes place from 1 am to dawn. It is said that during this period the impressions originate from a divine source. At other nocturnal periods they issue forth from the subconscious mind or from spirit beings of the lower airplanes. .
At the conclusion of any routine fast or austerity it is a customized in Javanese occultism/shamanism to provide a thanks-giving including yellow rice, glutinous-rice porridges, fruits, etc.The practitioner would invite friends and relatives to the banquet. .
Below are most of the methods of fasting and austerities as taught in Kejawen. We have actually deliberately neglected the types of the left-handed path: .
Mutih . In this fast one might only eat white rice without anything else to support it. Not even salt or other dressings. Mutih is an unsavory meal. One may perhaps just consume plain bread supplying no salt has actually been contributed to the dough. In the mutih quick just plain mineral water is acceptable to please one’s thirst. One may consume several times a day but with the stated conditions or as soon as a day as possibly designated in the magickal rite. .
Ngeruh . In this quick one might only take in vegetarian meals. Meat is to be totally prevented. Fish, eggs, and animal items are not to be consumed in this fasting technique. It is permissible to consume 3 times a day. This fast is really the avoiding eating animal life-forms. .
Ngebleng .
This fast/austerity is a cessation of all typical activities. One might not consume, drink, get out of your house, or participate in sexes. Sleep must be lessened. One ought to ideally remain in one’s room for the designated period– generally for 24 hours. During the golden and night hours, the room ought to preferably lack physical illumination. The space itself ought to be dark. In this austerity it is allowable to visit the WC (located in other parts of your house), unlike the next difficult discipline. .
Patigeni .
Like the above, one might not consume, consume or engage in any sexual activities. In addition, one might not sleep, leave the room, or have any physical illumination during night hours. One has to remain in total seclusion in a dark room. If one has the natural urge to discharge any waste in has to be carried out in the room– one with a restroom connected to it would be a fitting location for this austerity. Depending on the requirements of the magickal rite, this austerity might run for a duration of 24 hr, 3, 7 days, or more. .
Ngelowong .
This is a lighter form of the above 2 austerities. One might not consume or drink for the designated duration. 3 hours is the optimum sleep enabled. One may wander outside of your house. .
Ngrowot .
This is a total fast from dawn to sunset. When one breaks the fast in the night, one may only take in fruits– nothing else! This is a fruitarian discipline. It is acceptable for one to consume as much as preferred so long as they are of the exact same kind– bananas, for example. The other extreme disciplines of the above such as privacy, no sleep, do not use in this austerity. .
Nganyep .
This is a quickly from consuming anything that would trigger a sensation in the tongue. In other words, the things that a person consumes or drinks should be tasteless. It resembles mutih other than that one has a more variety of foods to pick from: for circumstances, the tasteless diet biscuits … .
Ngidang .
Just edible leaves are eaten and plain water drunk in this austerity. Other foods and fluids are not enabled to be taken in. .
Ngepel . Ngepel means” fist-full.” In this quick, one eats a single meal a day and just a hand-full of rice is allowed or unless indicated by the requirements of the magickal ritual; 2 or three fist-full might be allowed. An extremely hard quick as 3 days might be needed to complete it. .
Ngasrep .
Just cold, unsavory foods and beverages are eaten and drunk in this fast– three times a day, if you will. .
Monday-Thursday Fast .
This fast is generally done at the conclusion of the other kinds of fasts. On Mondays and Thursdays one would avoid eating and drinking from dawn to sunset. It is unpredictable if this quick originates with Islam, as this faith also teaches it. .
Wungon . This is a total quick– the abstinence of food and beverages– for a period of 24 hr. One need to likewise not sleep for that 24 hour period. .
Other Austerities .
Jejeg . No flexing of the legs (i.e. no sitting) for 12 hours from dawn to dusk.vLelana .
Non-stop walking from midnight to 3 am. This is a time for introspection. .
Kungkum .
This is rather an interesting austerity. Many have actually found strange feelings occurring in their body as an outcome of this discipline. The approach of Kungkum is thus: one needs to immerse oneself naked in a sitting position approximately the neck at the mouth of a river where 2 small rivers satisfy. One has to face versus the currents. The appropriate place and spot should lie before starting this austerity– the currents ought to not be too strong and the sand-bed flat. The environment needs to be peaceful without other people lingering about. Begun in the middle of the night, Kungkum is to be carried-out for the designated period by the magickal rite which may be 3 hours or more. Needless to state, this requires great deals of practice. One need to not drop off to sleep while doing the Kungkum as this would be risky– one should not even move as this would beat the purpose of the austerity. Prior to entering the river one has to perform a routine cleansing. While in the actual act of submerging into the water the following mantra should be recited: .
” Putih-putihing mripatku Sayidina Kilir, Ireng-irenging mripatku Sunan Kali Jaga, Telenging mripatku Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad.” .
The eyes must be shut, and the hand crossed over the chest. The body’s lower orifices likewise should be closed (maybe one with a plug made out of cork) and the breathing controlled accordingly. .
The Kungkum discipline is often carried-out for a duration of 7 successive nights. It is particularly beneficial in collecting magickal force. .
Ngalong .
In this austerity one meditates with the feet up in the air with the head pointing downwards. The feet might be supported by a wall or one might do any related yoga asana for this. More sophisticated approaches requires one to hang oneself upside down on tree branches, like bats. One must not attempt to sway or move while hanging thus. Physically, the consistent workout of this discipline helps the specialist to establish the capability to manage the breath– to refrain from breathing for hours at a time. This austerity is accompanied by the Ngrowot fasting technique. .
Ngeluwang/Nglowong .
Ngeluwang is thought about to be a frightening austerity that actually evaluates one’s nerve. Numerous magickal powers are said to be obtained through the constant practice of Ngleluwang such as clairvoyance and the ability to making another see impressions. In Ngeluwang one has to put oneself in a large hole dug for the purpose, preferably in a graveyard or in a peaceful location, and to stay there for the designated period– typically 24 hours. The basic biological needs of the body such as nourishment may be dealt with. While performing this austerity one might face numerous temptations and frightening visions. Before going into the hole, the mantra listed below should be recited: .
” Niat ingsun nglowong, anutupi badan kang bolong, siro mara sira mati, kang ganggu marang jiwa ingsun, lebur kaya dene banyu krana Allah Ta’ala.” .
From the descriptions of the types of fasting and austerities above, it can be seen that they are difficult to accomplish. Individuals of our modern times lack the fortitude as compared to the older generations; hence lots of do not have the powers that their ancestors displayed. .
Nowadays, with the materialistic orientation and life-style, individuals anticipate instant powers without too much effort. Although particular powers might be obtained through a transfer of power, these are not the particularly unique ones as used and shown by the famous heroes of old, and may be momentary in nature depending upon the process utilized and personal effectiveness of the channeler of the power. Perhaps we will offer examples of magickal rituals of occult-power acquisition that utilizes these shamanic fasting in future short articles. .
Considering That Kejawen or Javanese mysticism, and standard shamanism have been influenced greatly by Islam, it would be most suitable to finish this post by offering the kinds of fasting (called “saum” or “siyam” in Arabic. Lit. “self-discipline”) as enjoined by this religious beliefs. .
Essentially, Islam classifies 2 kinds of fasting: obligatory and non-obligatory. The required quick becomes part of the five-pillars of Islam, which is the obligatory fasting duration in the month of Ramadan. Below we list the kinds of fasts: .
The Ramadan Fast .
This is the quick carried-out for the entire month of Ramadan. Islam does not motivate complete fasts such as taught in shamanism, thus there is food consumption however within the hours designated. The Ramadan quickly begins at dawn and ends at dusk– approximately 12 hours. Food and beverages might be taken in at any hour aside from the 12-hour daylight period. .
The Quick of King David .
This non-obligatory fast is stated to have its origin with the Hebrew King. Muhammad The Prophet, blessed is his name, is expected to have stated that amongst the non-obligatory fasts, the fast of King David is the best. This is tape-recorded in the Bukhari and Muslim hadith, or recorded sayings of the Prophet. The technique of the quick is similar to the one done in the month of Ramadan other than that it is done every other day– quick one day, rest the next. .
The Three-day Quick .
This fast is done on a monthly basis of the Arabic/Islamic calender for three consecutive days. The approach is as the Ramadan quickly. The best dates to begin this is on the 13th, 14th and 15th. This quick is non-obligatory. .
The Six-day Fast .
This quick is provided for 6 days, ideally consecutive days in the month (Syawal) following Ramadan. Like the obligatory quick, no nutrition is taken from dawn to sunset. This is a non-obligatory quick like the above. .
The Arafah-day Fast .
To those who are not going on the trip to the Ka’ ba, the Arafah-day quick is suggested for cleaning and the getting of merit. It is done on the 9th day of the month of Zulhijah. This non-obligatory quick is expected to wipe one’s sins developed within a two-year period– the year prior to the quick and the year after. .
The Eighth-day Fast .
Another single-day quick is the one done in the month of Zulhijah< img src ="" alt= "Free Articles "border=" 0"/ >, simply a day prior to the
Arafah-day fast.
. The Tasu’a and Asura Quick
This quick occurs on the 9th and 10th day of the month of Muharam. .
The Al-Baidh (Complete Moon) Quick .
It is recorded that the Prophet delighted in fasting in this period and encouraged others to do so. This is a three-day quick throughout the full moon. .
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