Figs . have a long and ancient history; they are thought to be one of the . initially fruits ever to be cultivated by human beings. Figs are high in calcium, . iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, and potassium. But what about fig leaves? . Have you ever considered their health advantages? Fig leaves are recovering foods that are best called an effective option therapy for treating diabetes.In one clinical trial, scientists from the Faculty of Medicine, . University Hospital, Madrid, Spain, studied the results of a decoction . of fig leaves(” Ficus carica “) on diabetes control. 6 men and 4 . females who were insulin-dependent diabetes clients were hired for . the trial. The clients were handled with their typical diabetes diet plan and . their twice-daily insulin injection. Throughout the first month, clients . were offered a preparation of fig leaves; during the next month, they were . given a non-sweet business tea.The patients were divided into two groups. A basic breakfast was . offered at the start and end of each month-run. Glycemic profiles . (seven/day each week) were taped by clients. The research study group found . that post-prandial glycemia was significantly lower throughout . supplements with fig leaves. In truth, the average insulin dosage was . 12 % lower throughout the period when fig leaves were administered to the .
group.If you are diabetic and want to try taking a supplement made from fig
. leaves, keep in mind that you might require less insulin– make sure to get your
. doctor’s recommendations. Do not stop taking or decrease your routine medication
. without talking it over with your doctor. It is probably best to take
. the fig leaf extract with breakfast, very first thing in the morning. An
. extra natural home remedy is to boil the leaves of the fig in some freshly
. filtered water and consume this as a tea.In addition to their anti-diabetic properties, fig leaves have strong
. antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In a clinical trial
. conducted at the Professors of Pharmacy, New Delhi, India< img src ="" alt=" Feature Articles" border=" 0"/ >
, scientists
. evaluated the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of “F. carica ”
. leaves. Their study confirmed that the antioxidant effect of fig leaves
. is likely due to the existence of steroids and flavonoids and the
. anti-inflammatory activity might be due to complimentary extreme scavenging