Celiac Disease, autism & Developmental disorders – is there a link?

Gluten Free Diet Plan

It appears that the basis of this story traces back to a 1998 medical paper that suggested that autistic kids often struggled with a problem called “leaky gut”/”autistic entercolitis”. The idea was that opiates discovered in gluten and casein (dairy) were launched when gluten food was poorly digested. This took place when the GI system was harmed by such things as celiac illness. The opiates then apparently were launched into the blood stream triggering or increasing apparent autistic like symptoms. This paper is now extensively rejected and retracted.The existing concern

is that the’recuperate impact’ from such a retraction is the discrediting of celiac disease in healthy and autistic kids. For those uninformed of’Developmental disorders’in children they cover 5 main classifications. These are: Autism Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Attention deficit condition (ADD)Non-verbal learning condition (NLD)

Prevalent advancement condition (PDD)


signs of celiac illness and/ or milk intolerance on the Gastro Digestive(GI)tract in children are: Bloating/swollen stomach Breaking wind frequently Irregularity Yearning/ dislike for particular foods Dark shadows under the eyes Diarrhea Consuming non-food items e.g. earth, paper, sand,

soap Extreme sweating, especially

at night Giggling/ shouting for no obvious factor Gut conditions in the family Failure to manage body temperature Pale skin/pasty face(Ref

1) It appears that the most rigorous research study into the possible links between celiac illness(or other GI conditions) and autism

(or other associated Developmental disorders) are originating from American PEDIATRICS department research studies. One meaning of Autism is that it is”a pervasive developmental condition(PDD) that

is usually

manifested in the first 3 years of life and defined by dysfunction in social interaction and interaction “AND although not included in the diagnostic criteria, there have actually been lots of reports describing intestinal symptoms in 9% to 84%of children with autism. Nevertheless the extremely newest documents released in January 2010 suggest that” care providers need to know that issue behavior in clients with ASD’s may be the primary or sole symptom of the underlying medical condition, consisting of some food poisonings.”(Ref 2) Another research study verifies that a”Considerable differences in between autism case and control topics were recognized in the cumulative occurrence of constipation( 33.9 %vs 17.6 %)and feeding concerns/ food selectivity(24.5 %vs 16.1). BUT No considerable associations were found between autism case status and total occurrence of intestinal signs or any other intestinal sign classification.”( Ref 3 )Which results in the conclusion that”as irregularity and feeding issues/food selectivity frequently have a behavioral etiology, data suggest that a neuro behavioral instead of a primary organic intestinal etiology”is the cause– that is, the autism was not specifically affected by gluten.CONCLUSIONS The American Association of Pediatrics reports clarify that children with autism and other Developmental conditions typically do have without treatment gastrointestinal concerns. However they stress that there is no higher rate of GI conditions in kids with autism than any other children.Further to this they include the care that a main problem in recognizing and identifying gastro digestive dysfunction with ASDs is the interaction troubles experienced by many affected individuals. That is, GP’s and parents often fail to recognize the symptoms of GI because they are dealing with some greater behavioral disorders and hence GI disorders, consisting of celiac illness, can quickly go undiagnosed for even longer than the routine population(which can take 10 years ). One can draw the conclusion from this most current research that just as simple as it is for celiac illness to go undiagnosed in healthy kids and grownups, gluten intolerance would extremely quickly be neglected in symptoms of a child with strong behavioral conditions such as autism.If you are at all interested in whether somebody you know with autism or a related condition may have a GI such as celiac illness, it is finest discussing this with your medical professional. Nevertheless do remember , that for a full confirmation of the illness a biopsy will normally

need to be taken which needs that the individual is still consuming gluten at the time. References REF 1 http://www.wheat-free.org/wheat-gluten-allergy-autism-adhd.html!.?.!Ref 2         http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/extract/124/2/796!.?.!REF 3 http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/abstract/124/2/680 -Gluten Free Diet