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Lots of individuals traveling to Italy in summer choose Calabria, an area in the south of Italy that is less famous than other ones, but which has a lot to use in regards to beach and sea, and more.

This year increasingly more travelers, Italian as well as . people from other countries, appear to have actually discovered the potentials of the . area Calabria as far as summer season vacations are concerned. In the past other areas . of southern Italy were maybe most popular than Calabria– Sicily and Sardinia . first of all, but likewise Apulia and Campania with Naples– along with other . regions in the northern Italy, like Veneto, Emilia Romagna or Liguria, also due . to the proximity of these regions with foreign nations– however gradually . likewise Calabria has actually begun to emerge. There are likewise some fascinating data that . can provide us a clear evidence of this: according to Federalberghi, the Italian . association that represents the interests of hotels in Italy, this year . Calabria is the most popular area among Italian tourists (it collects 13% of . the nationwide tourists, while last year the portion was 9,7%). The people who . choose to travel to Calabria will have the possibility to choose among the many . resorts, hotels and vacation houses that the region provides. The datum concerning . Italian tourist in Calabria is to be held as much more essential above all if . you compare it to the basic situation of tourism in Italy. This year, . Federalberghi declares, there has been a basic decrease in the number of hotel . bookings, even in August, and many Italian individuals seem to have actually picked to . stay at home this summer rather of leaving for some travel location. This . is the outcome of the crisis that has stricken Europe and Italy in specific, . and which has actually worked as a deterrent or as a genuine challenge for individuals. In . comparison to in 2015, this August there has actually been a decline by 29,5% in the . number of people leaving for vacation (15,4 million individuals this year, 21,9 . million in 2011 ). But also in the other months the scenario was very little better: . there has been a reduction by 21,5% in the number of departures in June, and by . 13 %in July, and in September the reduction is expected to be by 27,7%.

If you consider this information, the success of the region . Calabria is a lot more relevant, but it should not leave us surprised. There are . numerous factors that can discuss why numerous Italians– but also foreign travelers– .
choose this area as travel destination, and the primary reason is the beauty of . the sea, beaches and landscapes that it protects. There are two seas lapping . it( Ionian and Tyrrhenian Sea), and its coast is identified by a great . range: rock or sandy beaches, long and wide or small and concealed … the coasts . of Calabria can satisfy all tastes. Calabria is also popular and valued for . its landscapes and nature (Aspromonte and Parco Nazionale della Sila are . ideal examples in this sense)< img src ="" alt ="" border =" 0"/ >, for its history and art (who does not know the . Bronzi di Riace?) and for its typical food and products (Calabria is well-known .
above all for its hot dishes and for red pepper).

South Beach Diet